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Monday, August 9, 2021


 Getting drunk is a sin, but what about drinking in moderation? Drinking alcohol has been the subject of debate within the church for centuries, but never more so than in recent years. With the shift toward postmodernism, practices the Christian community once discouraged that have been embraced and even promoted. The open consumption of alcohol is one of those practices. In Bible times, anyone set apart for God was to totally abstain from any fruit of the vine (Judges 13:4Leviticus 10:9Numbers 6:3Luke 1:15). The wine was often symbolic of worldly contamination, and those called into priestly service were to keep themselves from it. Such warnings have led many followers of Christ to forgo alcohol altogether, deeming any use of it unwise. Although drinking in moderation is not condemned in Scripture, there are many warnings about its destructive nature (Proverbs 20:131:4). So why does the Bible speak so strongly against becoming affected by alcohol?  Ephesians 5:18 holds the key: “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Two elements are being compared: alcohol and the Holy Spirit. Each has the power to take control of a person’s mind and behavior—with vastly different results. Getting drunk leads to a loss of self-control; being filled with the Spirit leads to more self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). Both alcoholic spirits and the Holy Spirit can not control us at the same time. When we choose to ingest mind-altering substances, we are effectively choosing to give ourselves over to the control of something other than the Holy Spirit. Anything that takes control of our mind, will, and emotions is a false god. Any master we obey other than the Lord is an idol, and idolatry is sin (1 Corinthians 10:14). 

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