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Thursday, September 27, 2018


  Genesis  10:25 says in the days of Peleg the earth was divided .                                                            The original Hebrew word behind the English word “Earth” in the above verse is “Erets” and has a literal meaning as “land” or “soil”.
When God prepared our Earth to become a habitable planet, he caused onesupercontinent emerged from the vast ocean.—Genesis 1:9,10. Adam and all his offspring were living in this supercontinent.
After the great flood of Noah, after the building of the tower of Babylon, the Bible records of divine intervention where he confounded the language of mankind and scattered them to all the surface of the land. The dividing of the land or soil as mentioned in Genesis 10:25 above was in this time frame.
Accordingly, it is likely that Genesis 10:25 tells us that the primeval supercontinent began to crack and be divided into several smaller continents and many islands, along with the divine intervention to scatter mankind, and to give mankind a different set of language to each nation.

Does life begin at conception according to the Bible?

Does life begin at conception according to the Bible?: Does life begin at conception according to the Bible? Is it biblical to say that life begins at conception? What Bible verses support the concept that life begins at conception?