Blog Archive

Saturday, February 6, 2021

 None can do good without the grace of God, the strength of Christ, and the help of the Spirit; there is not even a spiritual man that can do perfect good. We all have sin in us. The works of the flesh produce evil, meaning that we are naturally weak and are being opposed by evil spirits and by evil men. Our good intentions can easily be derailed. The fruit of the Spirit results in doing good (Galatians 5 19-26). 

Christians often feel that there are so many things that need to be done that they can't possibly do it all. Remember, we can only do one thing at a time. We as individuals can only do so much. We should schedule times to rest (Mark 6:31). We can be over-committed to a cause. This can cause burnout and say what's the use. Discernment is essential here. Often times all God wants from us is to take a deep breath and calm down (Psalm46:10: Luke10:41). 

We will never grow weary of doing good if we have Christ Jesus (Galatians 5:24). We should