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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Wall

The wall is not the democrat's real issue. The real issue is keeping Trump from doing something he pledged to do so people will not re-elect him in 2020. They know if he fulfills his campaign promises that he is more likely to get re-elected. Then he will probably appoint more conservative people to the Supreme Court. The democrats know this and will pull every stunt they can imagine to keep him from looking good and getting re-elected. With a more conservative Supreme Court Roe vs Wade will probably be overturned. The wall is only a scapegoat to make President Trump look bad. The democrats voted for funding for a barrier in 2006 and again in 2013. When Trump became President they turned against the wall to make him look bad. There are numerous videos of democrats talking about illegal immigration over the last few decades. I remember hearing this discussion years ago. What's happening is pure politics. The budget covers many areas. There are numerous provisions for many causes. There is a serious problem at the border. It's time to stop talking about it, take action, and move on as a country.