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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Finnish, Japanese and German Officers during WW2


Satan tried to kill and defeat Jesus everywhere He went from the manger to the cross.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jesus was in a constant battle with Satan from the time He was born (Matthew 2:16). Satan could not kill Jesus when He was a child so, when He became a man Satan tried to ruin Him.
After being baptized (Matthew 4: 1-11) Satan tried to get Jesus to turn stone into bread, a jump of 100 meters, off the top of the temple and, bow down and worship him (Satan). Satan used Jesus' brothers to tempt Him. John 7:5 tells us His brothers did not believe in Him. Satan also used Jesus disciples to tempt Him. Jesus' disciples had tried to drive an evil Spirit from a child, but they could not do it. Jesus was cross with His disciples. He said, "how much longer must I be patient with you Matthew (17:17)." Another time Jesus told His disciples He had to die on the cross so, Satan took this opportunity to use Peter to make Jesus angry. Jesus told Peter to get away from Him and called him Satan (Matthew 6:23). Of course, Jesus knew that Satan had caused Peter to say that.
After the Lord's supper, Jesus and the disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. In the garden, He went through a very difficult temptation.  He was thinking of how they would take Him to court, beat and kill Him. Jesus was so full of pain His sweat was like drops of blood (Luke 22:44). God chose Jesus to die (Romans 3:25). If Jesus had disobeyed God nobody could be saved.

Satan tried his best to hurt and tempt Jesus, but Jesus went all the way to the cross. Satan knew while Jesus was on this earth and felt hunger, pain, and joy that this was the best time to try and destroy the work God was doing.