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Thursday, September 6, 2018


"We live in a postmodern world, and the Christian consensus has been displaced. The assumption that our society should honor, at least officially, Judeo-Christian values, is no longer operative. Diversity rules, tolerance is supreme, and relativism is the only absolute. Sexual morality has given way to sexual preferences; the family has been replaced by a bewildering variety of families. Out-of-wedlock births have soared to tragically high rates, along with the number of absentee fathers. Religion is out; spirituality is in.
"But spirituality often amounts to little more than a pursuit of spiritual experiences, a journey into one’s inner self or personal truth, which makes the living God irrelevant. It is also no longer clear when a person uses the word God that he means anything resembling the God of Scripture." ~~ Gary Inrig, 'True North: Discovering God's Way in a Changing World'