Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


We recently celebrated Easter as we remembered the death and resurrection of Jesus. After He arose He met with the disciples and gave them instructions to spread the message of His resurrection and what He taught. He wants those who know Him as their Savior to grow in their relationship with Him. He has instructed us to avoid sin and to not give in to Satan's temptations. Jesus wants us to live Holy lives. We will sin, but we confess our sin to Him and keep following Him. Our world today doesn't seem to understand repentance or want to repent of sin. Serious followers of Jesus understand that He wants us to turn away from sin, which is something we all struggle with. All of us. We are not defeated when we sin, because He has forgiven our sin, but we are defeated in our walk with Him if we don't turn from sin. That is a choice we have to make. Are we going to give in to the temptations of Satan and let him destroy our walk with God or are we going to turn away from his temptations and follow Jesus? In our walk with Jesus, we must spend time reading His Word, the Bible so that we can grow in our relationship with Him. The Word of God has transforming power to transform and strengthen us. The Word is the same now as it was 2000 years ago. It is alive and powerful. If you are going to follow Jesus then you need to know what He said and that's why we read the Bible. It's also one reason why we study the Bible in Church. The more we study the Bible the more we can apply what Jesus taught to our lives enabling us through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to live victorious Christian lives. Jesus arose from the tomb and someday we will arise with Him forevermore.