Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Vladimir Komarov - The Cosmonaut who Fell to Earth from Space

Vladimir Komarov - The Cosmonaut who Fell to Earth from Space

Grandma Gatewood: The first woman who solely hiked the 2,168-mile Appalachian Trail

Grandma Gatewood: The first woman who solely hiked the 2,168-mile Appalachian Trail

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding

Wisdom is the ability to have good judgment based on knowledge. Knowledge is the information, skills, and facts gained by someone through life experience or education. Understanding is the ability to decide. Understanding is knowledge put into action. 
If knowledge is power, and wisdom is your choice to use that power, then understanding would be executing your choice to use that power.
Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are all noble qualities to have and all humans should seek to possess them. 

200 New Warriors Found at Site of China's Massive Terracotta Army

200 New Warriors Found at Site of China's Massive Terracotta Army