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Saturday, June 29, 2019


Calvinism in ALL its guises teaches the following_
God CONTROLS all things.
This is THE Calvinistic definition of sovereign, a word not found in scripture.
They also say that God ORDAINS all things, but they cannot say which of the 15 words in Hebrew and Greek, translated as ordained, they mean, since it is not scriptural.
So here is the next error, but ALL versions of Calvinism teach it
God's will cannot be disobeyed.
immediately they are debunked because sin is specifically prohibited by God, thus not what he wants, not what he controls people to do.
Their response is that God has a SECRET will. and it is the SECRET will that cannot be disobeyed. In any event, they do claim that God controls all to sin and ordains 100% of sin, his desire for sin occurring is to glorify him.
So when a saved person sins, they claim God gets glory from it.
When Paul rebukes the Jews in Romans 2, telling them that God is BLASPHEMED because of the Jew's hypocrisy, they claim he is glorified by being blasphemed.
Each time they make a claim their claims are debunked so they fall back to another invented, anit-christian doctrine.
They claim that the reason for sin is so God can show ALL his attributes, including wrath. The problem is, wrath is not an attribute, it is a reaction. His Holiness is an attribute, and so is mercy., so is love.