Blog Archive

Friday, September 10, 2021


 “Why would a God make sex pleasurable and part of human nature just to control and condemn it?” 

Why would car makers put brakes and steering wheels in their cars and recommend that we use them? For those who can’t figure that out, it’s for our own good. If we want the pleasure of owning and driving a car, use the brakes and stay on the right side of the road.
God made the first couple naked and commanded them to have sex. That’s a little embarrassing, but it’s true. He also told us to use self-control and stay on the right side of the road. Sex is for one man and one woman, within the bounds of marriage…for the purpose of pleasure and to make more people.
If we violate the rules we will have guilt, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, superficial relationships, plus the really big negative—we will not enter the Kingdom of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
So God doesn’t “control” or “condemn” sex. He says not to fornicate. If you don’t control your urge and fornicate, you become a fornicator and you condemn yourself to Hell.
So get saved, get married, and enjoy the glorious gift that God so graciously gave.