Blog Archive

Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Jesus taught that believers must continue to seek God's forgiveness daily (Matthew 6:11-12). After salvation, Christians miss the mark (Philippians 3:12; James 3:2, 8, 4:17). That's why John said, " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Sins confessed to God will not hinder us from walking in the pure light of genuine fellowship with Jesus Christ. 

When a person dies, their spirit goes back to God and the body returns to dust  (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Believers go directly to heaven and nonbelievers seem to be sent to a temporary holding place to await their final resurrection, judgment, and eternal destiny. It will be a place of torment. So, the unbeliever will see God at the final judgment.

It is normal to not understand everything you read in the Bible. You need to find a good Bible-believing church. The pastor of that church and the deacons will be willing to help you in any way they can..


Read all of the sources above.