Blog Archive

Monday, October 12, 2015

Book of James,Matthew, Luke comparison

James’ TopicSermon on the Mount Reference
Trial 1:2-4MT 5:10-12,48; LK 6;23
Asking  1:5-8MT 7:7-8; LK 11:9-10
Riches  1:9-11MT 6:19-21
God’s Gifts  1:12-18MT 7:11; LK 11:13
Listening  1:19-27MT 5:22; 7:21-27; LK 6:46-49
Judging  2:1-13MT 5:3,5,7,19-22; 7:1-5; LK 6:20
Faith and Works  2:14-26MT 7:21-23
The Tongue  3:1-12MT 7:16; LK 6:44-45
Wisdom  3:13-18MT 5:5-9
Word of God  4:1-10MT 5:4,8; 6:7-8; 24; 7:7-8; LK 6:25
Slander 4:11-12MT 5:21-22; 7:1; LK 6:37
Tomorrow 4:13-17MT 6:25-34
The Rich  5:1-6MT 6:19-21; LK 6:24-25; 12:33
Patience 5:7-11MT 5:11-12; 7:1; LK 6:22-23
Swearing  5:12MT 5:33-37
Prayer  5:13-18MT 6:12-15; 7:7-11