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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Counting the Cost - Extra - Philippines: A new chance in life


To Filipinos, It’s Not Your Fault

To all Filipinos out there, it’s not your fault really. It’s in your culture. Being delusional is just your way of surviving your shitty environment.
Some people here have asked in the comments whether I’ve ever met a genuine filipino, like, ever. To be fair, yes, I have. BUT THEY ARE RARE! It’s like a species reaching an extinction, that’s how it is with genuine filipinos. Most of you people are just unbearable to be around with. Why? Because your way of thinking don’t belong in the 21st century. You try to act like you know it all but in reality you just don’t have the slightest idea. With that kind of mindset, it’s no wonder that your country stays that way for a long time: unproductive and poor.
Listen up, filipinos. Not all white people are rich. Are you guys that unknowledgable not to know that very simple fact? And marrying an old senile white man heading to his grave just to have “white babies” is immature as well as insulting to human race. Are you people THAT dumb, stupid, and desperate? Do you guys really want WHITE BABIES that desperately? How about visiting midtown Manhattan and let some white homeless bums over there fuck you with no protection and then you can have a white baby to be proud of. Repeat the process until you’re satisfied with the number of white babies you’ve made. Hey, there’s always a white homeless bum somewhere that don’t mind a filipino p*ssy and won’t even ask questions, you know?
Dear filipino bitches, may I enlighten you and your askew view of white men? White men aren’t products, nor they are your stepping stones to getting rich and getting cute white babies with blue eyes and brown hair. You people disgust me to the core of my bones. Seriously.
A typical filipino bitch would fly this bum to philippines and marry him if she could, just so she can have a “cute” white baby.
Just to be clear, I’m not poking fun at homeless people here. I know that each and every one of them has their own story of how they ended up that way, life choices and life itself can be a bitch, especially if you’re living in a metropolitan area like the NYC. But in the case of filipinos here, it has nothing to do with how life treats them, it’s just their pure IGNORANT. Simple.

Filipinos Make The Worst TV Shows

After 3 years of that first post I made, Filipinos are still annoying, sorry. Especially their stupid TV shows and soaps. You’re Filipinos, not Americans, drop that fake, pretentious American accent, it’s disgusting. Before I leave, here’s some pictures of the slums in Manila, maybe you need to remind yourself that these slums do exist in the Philippines, so everytime you act so proud, think of that slum that hasn’t been taken care of by your people. Now, you aren’t so proud, are you?
Pour your heart out in the comments, we’ll see if I change my mind about Filipinos in 3 more years. Adios for now.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A donkey that talks

 The story of Balaam and his talking donkey is found in Numbers 22. Balaam was a pagan prophet who practiced divination and other magic arts, led Israel into apostasy, and was identified as a false prophet by Peter and Jude (2 Peter 2:15-16; Jude 1:11). Fearing the encroaching Israelites, King Balak of Moab sent for Balaam and enlisted his aid in repelling the Israelites by cursing them. The Lord spoke to Balaam and told him to refuse to go to Balak, although the Lord relented under the condition that Balaam would speak only His words. So Balaam saddled his donkey and went with the princes of Moab back to Balak. 

But knowing Balaam’s heart, the Lord’s anger burned against Balaam for what He knew was Balaam’s rebelliousness, and He sent an angel with a drawn sword to bar his way. Although Balaam couldn’t see the angel, his donkey could, and she tried to discontinue the journey by going off the path, crushing Balaam’s foot against the wall and lying down on the path. Angered by her behavior, Balaam used his staff to beat the donkey three times. Then in Numbers 22:28, we learn that “the LORD opened the donkey's mouth, and she said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?’” Then Balaam and the donkey proceeded to have a conversation about the situation, with Balaam angrily berating the donkey, after which the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes to see the angel and understand why his journey was stopped. 

There is no doubt that Balaam’s donkey spoke to him. The question that arises is whether the donkey was suddenly given the power of speech, which would also mean she was given the power to reason because she answered Balaam’s questions, asked some of her own, and carried on a rational conversation. While it is certainly possible that God granted human powers to the donkey, it’s more likely that He opened her mouth and spoke through her. The angel that barred his way is identified as the angel of the Lord, likely a manifestation of the presence of God Himself (Genesis 16:9-16; Exodus 3:1-6). After the donkey “spoke” to Balaam, and Balaam’s eyes were opened, the angel proceeded to ask the identical questions that came from the mouth of the donkey, further evidence that God, not the donkey, was actually speaking both times. This is reiterated by Peter, who identifies the donkey as “a beast without speech” and who “spoke with a man’s voice” (2 Peter 2:16). Whatever the method, the donkey was able to speak by a miraculous working of God’s power.

Why was Balaam not shocked into silence by the donkey speaking to him? Surely, it must have come as a surprise to him, and under normal circumstances, the obvious reaction would be for him to at least ask how she came to be speaking. The Bible doesn’t tell us why he didn’t find it odd to be addressed by a donkey, but we do know something about his state of mind. First, he was in rebellion against the Lord, going to Balak for his own purposes and not those of the Lord. Second, the donkey’s refusal to continue down the path enraged him so that he beat her out of anger because she had mocked him and made a fool of him. Anger has a way of curtailing rational thought, and perhaps he was so intent on exerting his dominance over the animal that he lost the ability to think clearly. It wasn’t until the angel opened Balaam’s eyes to see reality that he relented in his anger against the donkey, listened to the angel, and repented. Verse 38 tells us that Balaam went to Balak and told the king, “I must speak only what God puts in my mouth," which just goes to show that God can use anyone, even a donkey and a rebellious prophet, to do His will and speak His truth.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Most of us have times when we feel a sense of loneliness, a sense that we are on our own with no one to turn to and no one who cares.  Sometimes it might feel like the walls are starting to close in… life fades into a sort of grayish  hue.
These are times when it really helps to remember who it is that gave everything for us; the One who died so that we might live life to the full.  Even more, these are the times when we must remember who is was who rose again from the grave, and who it is that is there for us now.
Even in our darkest moment of despair, our Lord Jesus Christ is right beside us.  Will we turn to Him and feel His presence?  Will we give Him our cares and troubles?  Will we abide in His loving and everlasting arms?
If so, we will find the peace we seek and the end of loneliness.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

There is nothing more hilarious than a politician talking about free and open discussion while following the “party line”.This should make one wonder just how free and open is the politician. Think about that before voting.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Doing Good Works

Doing Good Works

Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, but is, in fact, the latest and most dangerous face of a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have been agitating against America for decades. Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter