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Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Origins of Voodoo, the Misunderstood Religion

The Origins of Voodoo, the Misunderstood Religion


Both pipelines approved, Dow at record high, NASDAQ at record high, illegal immigration down 70% even without the wall, Gorsuch confirmed, best jobs report in 2 years, best business attitude in a decade, oil and gas exploration reopened on federal land, Canada and Mexico agree to renegotiate NAFTA, TPP toast, Israel supported again, 11 Obama admin regulations reversed thru CRA never to return again, EPA brought under control, 11000 coal miners get their jobs back, 700 at Carrier that Obama wrote off, American missionary released from Egyptian prison, NATO allies agree to start funding their own defense instead of relying totally on us, strong reactions to Syria and NK vs Obama's cowardice and today a new executive order giving Obama-stolen resources and land back to the states.
And all of this in the face of unprecedented hysteria from the media, misrepresentation of facts, fake news, and liberals setting their hair on fire.