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Saturday, December 10, 2016

What does the Bible say about cryonics or cryogenics?

What does the Bible say about cryonics or cryogenics?: What does the Bible say about cryonics? What does the Bible say about cryogenics? Is cryonics/cryogenics science or science fiction?

A prayer

Dear God,
I repent. I am sorry for my arrogance, my laziness, my apathy, and my pride. I am sorry for my sin. Help me to change. Help me to stop being so religious and start becoming a better follower of You. Help me also to stop focusing on the “detestable” sins of others. Instead help me to focus on Your beauty and holiness. Slowly, gradually, step by step and day by day I ask that You would let that holiness and beauty be reflected in me that the world will see. Help me to remember that it is Your kindness that leads us to repentance.

Last words

Jesus last words were about believers receiving the power of the Holy Spirit and a command to make disciples. This applies to all who believe in Jesus. I believe that one of our most important daily prayer request should be about asking God to give us an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.