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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Why is God described as God Most High?

Why is God described as God Most High?: Why is God described as God Most High? What are the Hebrew words that are translated God Most High or Lord Most High?

The devils big lie

I want to share with you what John MacArthur said about the law and works as compared to righteousness by faith. Specifically, he's addressing Galatians 3:21-24 and I want to pickup there with his conclusion:
"But in Galatians 3:21 it says, “The law is not able to impart righteousness. The law is not able to impart life.” And then Galatians 3:24, “The law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, that we may be justified by faith.”
"[We] can’t be justified by works. All the law does is condemn you and escalate your sinfulness by expanding the categories and becoming literally a solicitation to do evil. The law increases the reality of sin, increases the awareness of sin, and increases the desire to sin. That’s completely contrary to what religions of works tell you, that somehow there is in you the power to overcome your Adamic fallenness and do good, good enough to please God. That is the devil’s big lie."

Mary, Full of Grace, and Luke 1:28

Mary, Full of Grace, and Luke 1:28


In the ordinary course of secular life, heresy was of little consequence; one person's opinion or choice about most things in life is just as good as another's. A person can be given any number of alternatives, any one of which he may be perfectly free to believe. However, in Christianity we are dealing with revelation, with God-given truth, with absolutes. When God's truth comes to men, we either have to accept or reject it. Thus, a heretic is a man who believes what he wishes to believe instead of accepting the truth of God that he ought to believe.