Question: " What is the former road/members of the church of God international? What are the teachings of this religion?"
Answer: " the old road " is the name of the radio and television program of Elisha Soriano, the founder of " members of the church of God international," a religious native in the Philippines. We must consider the old road a cult within Christianity because of the rejection of some biblical teachings and it's being exclusive.
Elisha Soriano, called the "Brother Eli" of his members, was a former disciple of Nicolas Perez, the founder and Prime Minister of the church of God in Christ Jesus, pillar and buttress of the truth, a religious organization to separate from the church of Christ who was founded by Felix Manalo. Soriano calls himself " the wise man," " the walking Bible," " Modern Jeremiah," " the consecrated," and " he who holds the key." Soriano lives Outside the Philippines since 2005 due to the defamation and accusations of rape to a male member.
Soriano introduces himself as " the most famous preacher in all times." Soriano Uses Television, radio and internet and the way of teaching " question and answer " to spread his teaching. His explanation of explaining the text of the Bible is literalism, and he does not use the right hermeneutics or the right way of explaining the Bible. The Add / mcgi has no written manifestation of faith because perhaps the reason Soriano has often contradicted his own teaching. Soriano is also known for swearing, railings his disputant and spitting in front of the camera while his television program is air.
The old way to the field of medicine, education, preservation of nature, and social work. However, these acts of the organization are swamped by false doctrines. Mcgi teaches its own version of dosetismo. Soriano teaches that Jesus is not human but only God and his spirit to live in the human body is not a spirit of man but the spirit of God. This wrong teaching is strongly directed by many passages in the scriptures like 1 John 4:2-3 where it is said, " this is the sign that the spirit of God is in them: if they declare that Jesus Christ has become human. If they say not so about Jesus, the spirit in them is not from God. The Spirit of the anti-Christ is in them. Some say that you will come and now it is in the world." the Apostle John says that the teaching that is not true Christ is one of the teachings of the antichrist.
Soriano doesn't believe in the doctrine of Trinidad; instead, he believes that God the Father, God the Son, and Holy Spirit is " three power of God in heaven." According to Soriano, the father will not equal the son and the Holy Spirit. Christ is only one " Almighty God " not the " Almighty God " as the father while the holy spirit is just a literal power of God.
Mcgi believes and also train the following:
- God has the substance of the human body as his hand, eyes, feet and be of the booty. But he has no knee because even though there are many God, he will not worship other God because he is the only God that must be the purpose of worship. But the scripture says that God has no physical substance or appearance because he is a spirit (John 4:24).
- God lives on his own planet that is in a space of space. This teaching has a resemblance to the doctrine of Mormons that the gods who come down to the earth are from heaven near the planet " Kolob."
- God is not omnipresent. God may want to go to a place but he is not in another place. This is outright contradicted the biblical teaching that God is everywhere. " I am God everywhere and not remain in one place." " no one can hide me; I will see him wherever he goes. For I am in all places in heaven and on earth " (Jeremiah 23:23-34).
- salvation is by the possession of the former road / Mcgi, by baptism and doing works according to righteousness. Notice a sentence taken on the website of Soriano, " we believe that God calls us with determination to serve him, by bringing us to his flock, and teaching about righteousness after being baptized so that our sin Is covered by the dear blood of Jesus Christ shed in the mountain of Calvary for the redemption of our sin and to be worthy of eternal life in heaven." this sentence clearly teaches that for the old road, salvation is by good works. But the Bible teaches that salvation is only a grace of God through faith in Christ not for good works, " because by the grace of God you are saved by faith; and this salvation is the gift of God And not by yourselves; it is not the fruit of your works, so that no one should be proud of anyone " (Ephesians 2:8-9).
- the festival of festivals and Christmas is forbidden to mcgi because they are idolatry. They also prohibit wine drink, watching a movie and face facial, wearing pants, wearing a body fit for women.
Many of the doctrines of the former roads or members of the church of God are not biblical. And the bible certainly does not mean the swearing and railing of Soriano in his disputant as Paul said to Timothy, " the servant of God must not fight, rather he must be good in dealing with all, good teacher and patient " (2 Timothy 2:24). Despite the fame and charity of the former road, this religion should be avoided. Dosetismo" (Docetism in English means " to acquiring " or " seemingly "). In other words, God is like wearing a disguise from a person. That means Christ Jesus is not a real person if he is not a God who is a human being!