Blog Archive

Monday, January 30, 2017


You will not escape pain in this life. Pain is as much a part of the human experience as pleasure. But you can ask God to use it, to transform it into something that helps heal others -- something that serves the greater good. And as the song says: Then your living shall not be in vain..


If Mary and Moses were in the Garden of Eden would they have listen to the serpent and eaten the forbidden fruit?
We do not know what would have happened. What we do know is that God created Adam and Eve in such a way that they could feely choose to obey or they could freely choose to rebel. God created Adam and Eve that way because if Adam and Eve were created like puppets then love would not mean anything.

THE GODFATHER - You can act like a Man!

'Toxic masculinity'? Dude, now America's universities are turning men into women

'Toxic masculinity'? Dude, now America's universities are turning men into women