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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 What has Duterte really achieved? The most significant is that he has been able to centralize and consolidate power. He controls Congress – both the Senate and House of Representatives. He controls the Supreme Court – even ousting then-chief justice Maria Lourdes Sereno. He was able to imprison his foremost critic, Senator Leila de Lima, on trumped-up charges. Besides having control of the Philippine National Police, he also has won over the loyalty of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

He has indeed achieved political hegemony reminiscent of the era of dictator Ferdinand Marcos without declaring martial law all over the country – except Mindanao, which is under perpetual martial law (thanks to the acquiescence of Congress and the Supreme Court). He was even able to muzzle the press and media people critical of him. He can practically do anything he likes – even if it is against the Constitution, which he regards as just toilet paper.

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