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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Ellen White

Ellen white Witch craft
Ellen White was fully-invested in the occult. That her spirit guide gave her a green cord to summons him is indisputable and highly-significant to this analysis:
"My guide now opened the door, and we both passed out. He bade me take up again all the things I had left without. This done, he handed me a green cord coiled up closely."…/ellen-g-white-book-early-writi…
That a green cord or "cingulum" is a common tool of white witchcraft is demonstrated by the four separate entries from comprehensive Encyclopedias of the occult and witchcraft shown below.
Furthermore, Adventism - in direct opposition to Christianity and the Bible, both of which insist that Jesus Christ is our sin-bearer - argues that Satan is the sin-bearer:
"It was seen, also, that while the sin-offering pointed to Christ as a sacrifice, and the high priest represented Christ as a mediator, the scape-goat typified Satan, the author of sin, upon whom the sins of the truly penitent will finally be placed. When the high priest, by virtue of the blood of the sin-offering, removed the sins from the sanctuary, he placed them upon the scape-goat. When Christ, by virtue of his own blood, removes the sins of his people from the heavenly sanctuary at the close of his ministration, he will place them upon Satan, who, in the execution of the judgment, must bear the final penalty. The scape-goat was sent away into a land not inhabited, never to come again into the congregation of Israel. So will Satan be forever banished from the presence of God and his people, and he will be blotted from existence in the final destruction of sin and sinners."
The He-goat is an important part of satanic/occult worship and clearly ensorses the idea that Satan is the sin-bearer:
"The ugly beast’s head expresses the horror of the sinner, whose materially acting, solely responsible part has to bear the punishment exclusively; because the soul is insensitive according to its nature and can only suffer when it materializes."…/baphomet-goat…/
Virtually all of the pagan and occultic religions feature a "horned goat from the wilderness" as their central symbol that is worshiped:
"Fojr Wiccans, the Horned God is "the personification of the life force energy in animals and the wild" and is associated with the wilderness, virility and the hunt. Doreen Valiente writes that the Horned God also carries the souls of the dead to the underworld."
Ellen White's writings are sprinkled with occultic terms such as "life force energy" and "vital forces" and so forth:…/c…/seventh-day-adventists/
Ellen White's insistence on vegetarianism as vital to spirituality was shared by her fellow 19th Century spirit medium, Satanist Madame Blavatsky. 1 Timothy 4 denounces this as "Doctrines of Demons:"…/
Saturday - which has been proven over and over again is not the Biblical Sabbath; but has evolved into the central Adventist doctrine, is simply beyond any reasonable dispute. Ellen was "shown" by her spirit guide that the Sabbath is the only commandment with a halo around it. Similarly, Wicca Witchcraft emphasizes the Witches' Sabbath as the occult's gold-standard of time worship, and the time when the Satanic He-Goat apparition frequently-appears:

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