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Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Ignorance is scary and has consequences.
History has a way of repeating itself. We ignore the lessons of the Bolshevik revolution, Castro 's Cuba, Mao's China, the Killing Fields of Cambodia and the collapse of Venezuela at our own peril.
Our government was founded on the principles of individual rights and freedom. The role of our government is to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual as expressed among others in religion, speech, private property and free enterprise, encouraging the power of self-determination.
The right for the individual to pursue life, liberty and happiness is promised in the Declaration of Independence. The role of government was predicated on protecting these rights
Yet, the same people who decry and dismiss our Founding Fathers for their misperceived lack of resolve against slavery are leading the country in a march toward slavery.
Socialism cannot work without the state being in control. We the people become vassels or slaves to the state. The state tells us what is good for us economically, socially and culturally.
Personal freedom is subjugated to the needs of the masses as determined by the state. Differing opinions and convictions are corralled and derided as hate speech.
Those who espouse ideas contrary to what is politically correct are isolated, berated and vilified. This is among the first steps in training the masses in the power of group think and the mindset of slavery.
Slaves are struck down if they challenge the master. People are enslaved when they are scared to express dissenting opinions. We need to wake up to hear the chains rattling.

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