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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Civil War

Why did we allow our Nation to be ripped apart by the Civil War? How could anyone, particularly Christians ever countenance slavery? How was it possible that someone didn’t come forth as a voice of reason? How could sectional rivalry, money, power and political gain get so out of control, that we ended up with the bloodiest war in our history? Were the people of that time stupid or something?

No, they weren’t. They were just like we are today.

That’s where it hit me…HARD.

They are us, we are them. We are engaged in the same kinds of behaviors they were, the ones that led to war.

Spend a few days watching cable news. Watch it from the time you get up to the time you go to bed… several days. Immerse yourself in it.

Then pick up a good book on the causes of the Civil War. Read what the politicians and the newspapers were saying; hear the volume of the rhetoric and see the stubborn way each side held on to its position. Notice the vitriol, notice the petty rivalries and the complete lack of statesmanship.

Then it will hit you too. What are we- stupid?

You might even want to undertake an honest study of the Book of Revelation, and if you do, you will discover that we aren’t stupid, we are just acting like people do when they leave God’s path, and that this cycle will never end until Jesus returns.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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