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Monday, December 18, 2017


Be happy, if you are not bothered too much by the traffic in big cities of the Philippines. But in Central Manila or Cebu you will have to deal with it. It´s not that the roads are too narrow, it´s more that the technology of managing the traffic is far below the demand. Because the traffic lights are not equipped with smart traffic ruling technology (Police Officers /Traffic Enforcers instead try to beat the "war on traffic").
The Philippine economy is losing billions of Pesos every day and every Filipino (incl. all the companies) getting stucked in this traffic is (are) paying the bill of traffic ruling mismanagement in the Philippines!

Unfortunately our old (fashioned) President Duterte invests more money into hiring death squads to kill 10,000s of Filipinos instead of investing the money into developing new technologies and urgently needed police jobs like being at a crime scene, when being called - THIS would make the Philippines much safer,  more efficient and competitive in world economy (and would beat the "drug war" in an intelligent way).

JUST IMAGINE, Duterte would invest the amount of 30,000.00 PHP per dead body of his "assassination squad teams" (means 10,000 x 30,000.00 = 300,000,000.00 / 300 million PHP plus millions of PHP for knocking at people´s door - altogether probably nearly 1 billion PHP) into traffic and internet infrastructure:  THEN  Duterte would have the chance to create more jobs - and to create more jobs is the clue to solving
"It´s the economy, stupid!" already said former Pres. Bill Clinton to the old Pres. George H.W. Bush...

So the Philippine government could easily solve the traffic problem. But as long as Duterte is celebrated because of his senseless and expensive "war on drugs", he will not invest the urgently needed money into speeding up traffic and internet. He will instead stay in financing "death squads" and in offending international politicians. So, we all have the power to change this fatal development by saying what we really want - or we just keep on mourning about Duterte´s failing politics!
the "drug problem" - besides making life for millions of Filipinos easier!

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