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Thursday, September 7, 2017


I just heard President Trump make a speech that any American ,regardless of Political Party affiliation, Race,or Religion should be proud of. It's time that ALL Americans , regardless of the above , stand firm on issues concerning the safety of our nation. We have enemies abroad that pose serious risk to our country. I sincerely believe he wants to protect ALL citizens in our nation. We as Americans need to stand strong ! Our President is only human, no doubt he is capable of making a mistake. No doubt everyone will agree with him. But when a man makes a speech like I just heard , especially recognizing the brave men & women that paid the ultimate sacrifice that is laying in cemeteries across our country, did not die in vain. He lifts restrictions and let the experienced Generals as well as the brave men and women in our military do their jobs , leave the man alone. The media needs to back off and tone down. Remember, our enemies have radios , computers and TV'S also. We need to pray for him as well for one another and OUR country.

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