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Friday, January 13, 2017

Like no other

God is a spirit but not like humans or animals (John 4:24). He cannot be represented by any created thing. Any attempt to create a representation like that is blastphemy ( Exodus 4:2-6). God does never changes (Malachi 3:5). He knows everything (1 John 3:20). He is present everywhere (Psalm 139:7-13). He is Holy and glorious (Isaiah 6:3). He is just (Deuteronomy:32:4) and will judge all sins and unrighteouness (Jude 1:15).
As you can see it is not wise to compare God to humans or animals, Human beings cannot do any of these things nor can animals, I remember reading an article somewhere a long time ago that the human body actually loses two (2) ounces when we die. Animals keep the same weight when they die. Where did the human weight go? It was suggested by some medical professionals that this was the spirit leaving the body. The other doctors said that it was just a mystery that could not be explained. I just thought I would add this information. It is interesting to say the least. Now lets continue on to spiritualism.
Spiritualists do not believe in Heaven or Hell (Matthew 10:28; 25:46) nor do they believe in evil spirits (Mark 5:8 and Matthew 12:43).They don't believe in salvation by faith in Christ either (Ephesians 2:8-9). They believe human life continues after death, where everyone has the opportunity to progress to better and higher and grow more spiritually. These conditions are open to everyone. This is an attempt to combine Christianity with the occult practices.

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