Blog Archive

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Most of us have times when we feel a sense of loneliness, a sense that we are on our own with no one to turn to and no one who cares.  Sometimes it might feel like the walls are starting to close in… life fades into a sort of grayish  hue.
These are times when it really helps to remember who it is that gave everything for us; the One who died so that we might live life to the full.  Even more, these are the times when we must remember who is was who rose again from the grave, and who it is that is there for us now.
Even in our darkest moment of despair, our Lord Jesus Christ is right beside us.  Will we turn to Him and feel His presence?  Will we give Him our cares and troubles?  Will we abide in His loving and everlasting arms?
If so, we will find the peace we seek and the end of loneliness.

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