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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 The American Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865, was a major conflict that resulted in the deaths of over 600,000 Americans. While many different factors contributed to the outbreak of the war, the actions of several key individuals ultimately played a significant role in starting the conflict.

One of the most prominent figures associated with the start of the Civil War was Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln, a member of the newly formed Republican Party, was elected in 1860 on a platform that opposed the expansion of slavery into the western territories. His election caused several southern states to secede from the Union, leading to the formation of the Confederate States of America and the outbreak of war.

Another key individual who played a role in starting the Civil War was Jefferson Davis, who served as the President of the Confederate States of America. Davis, a former US Senator from Mississippi, was an

advocate for states' rights and believed that the southern states had the right to secede from the Union. His leadership in the Confederate government helped to solidify the secession movement and ultimately led to the start of the war.

The issue of slavery was also a major factor in starting the Civil War. The southern states had long relied on slavery to support their agricultural economy, while many in the northern states opposed the institution of slavery. As tensions over slavery increased in the years leading up to the war, it became clear that a resolution would have to be reached through political or military means.

One of the events that pushed the country closer to war was the raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859, carried out by the abolitionist John Brown. Brown and his followers attempted to start a slave rebellion by seizing a federal armory, but the raid was quickly put down by the US military. While Brown's actions were ultimately unsuccessful, they served to further inflame tensions between the North and South.

The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was another key event that led to the start of the Civil War. Many in the South saw Lincoln's election as a threat to their way of life and feared that his policies would undermine the institution of slavery. As a result, several southern states seceded from the Union in protest, setting the stage for the outbreak of war.

In addition to political and social factors, there were economic factors that contributed to the start of the Civil War. The southern states relied heavily on the export of agricultural products, particularly cotton, to foreign markets. The North was more industrialized and benefited from protective tariffs that supported domestic manufacturing. These economic differences created further divisions between the North and South and helped to fuel the conflict.

Ultimately, it was a combination of all these factors that led to the start of the American Civil War. While individual actions by key figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis played a significant role in starting the conflict, it was the broader cultural, political, and economic differences between the North and South that ultimately led to the outbreak of war. The Civil War would go on to be one of the bloodiest conflicts in American history, but it also set the stage for the end of slavery and the reunification of the country

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Federal Reserve Bank

The Federal Reserve Bank was formed in secrecy by a group of powerful and influential banking leaders, including J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Paul Warburg, at the now-infamous Jekyll Island meeting in 1910. These elite members of society came together under the guise of a duck hunting trip to discuss the creation of a centralized banking system that would ultimately give them unprecedented control over the country's monetary policy and financial system. The plan hatched during this clandestine gathering laid the foundation for what would become the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This secretive formation allowed these wealthy individuals to maintain their grip on power behind closed doors without public scrutiny or input, solidifying their dominance in shaping America's economic landscape for generations to come. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Human history

 Human history began to be recorded approximately 5,000 years ago. Only about 1.6% of human history is recorded from the time of Adam until the present day. Over the centuries, countless invaluable lessons and insights have undoubtedly slipped through our fingers, whether due to war, natural disasters, or simply the passage of time. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans possessed profound knowledge and understanding that has since been lost to us. Additionally, the teachings of wise sages and philosophers throughout history have often been disregarded or forgotten in our modern world obsessed with material wealth and instant gratification. This loss of wisdom deprives us of valuable guidance for navigating life’s challenges and hinders our ability to advance as a society. We must recognize this deficit and make a concerted effort to preserve and uncover the wisdom that remains buried in our past.

 The Bible unequivocally emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and discernment in all aspects of life. Proverbs 14:15 urges believers to "be cautious and watchful, for the ways of a fool are right in their own eyes." This verse serves as a stark reminder that blindly accepting information without questioning its validity can lead to folly and deceit. Furthermore, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 instructs believers to "test everything; hold fast what is good." This command calls for a rigorous examination of ideas, beliefs, and teachings to ensure alignment with God's truth. In essence, critical thinking is not only encouraged but mandated by the Bible in order to guard against deception and stay firmly rooted in God's wisdom. As followers of Christ, we must approach all things with a discerning mind and an unwavering commitment to pursuing truth above all else.

 Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to make well-informed decisions. Critical thinking has never been more important in today's fast-paced and complex world. With the rise of fake news, misinformation, and biased narratives on social media and traditional media platforms, individuals must have the skills to sift through the noise and discern fact from fiction. Critical thinking allows us to question assumptions, challenge beliefs, and consider multiple perspectives before reaching a conclusion. It empowers us to be more rational, logical, and objective in our decision-making processes. By sharpening our critical thinking skills, we can navigate through a sea of information overload with clarity, precision, and accuracy in order to make sound judgments that benefit ourselves and society as a who

Friday, February 23, 2024

 The Divine Display: Understanding the 'Bears Incident' in the Bible

The Bible is a rich source of spiritual accounts, moral teachings, and historical events. Among these stories, the episode where God sends bears to kill 42 boys in response to their disrespect towards the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2:23-25) often raises questions and sparks controversy. It is essential for us to approach this topic with open-mindedness, critical thinking, and respect for biblical interpretation.

Historical Context:
To better understand this incident, we must examine the historical context in which it occurred. The era surrounding the event is typically considered the time of the Divided Kingdoms in ancient Israel, marked by political instability and moral decline. This backdrop sets the stage for God's response to the boys' actions.

Customs and Cultural Significance:
In ancient Israelite society, respect for religious figures, such as prophets, was deeply ingrained. The actions of the boys, who mocked Elisha's baldness, therefore, represented a significant disregard for the religious and moral values of the time. This insult was not simply trivial, but rather an affront to sacred tradition and the authority of God's chosen leaders.

Divine Judgment:
The incident at hand should be seen as an instance of divine judgment rather than a senseless act of violence. Throughout the Bible, we encounter various examples of God's response to moral transgressions. In this case, the boys' disrespectful behavior caused God to intervene tangibly, demonstrating his sovereignty and reinforcing the importance of respect and obedience.

However, it is important to note that the event's purpose goes beyond mere retribution. The bears, typically depicted as fierce and powerful creatures, symbolize the severity and gravity of the boys' acts. This incident serves as a lesson not just for the boys involved, but for future generations, highlighting the consequences of disrespect towards God's chosen representatives.

Theological Perspectives:
The bear incident raises theological questions concerning divine power, mercy, and justice. Some argue that it portrays a God who is strict, unwilling to tolerate disobedience. Others suggest that the incident emphasizes the importance of maintaining a respectful attitude towards spiritual authorities.

Lessons on Reverence:
From a moral standpoint, the story teaches us the significance of reverence and humility. Respect for authority, be it spiritual or secular, fosters a more harmonious and civilized society. By paying heed to biblical teachings, we can learn to appreciate the wisdom behind such principles and apply them in our daily lives.

Challenging Interpretations:
The bears incident is not without controversy, as some find the concept of divine punishment deeply unsettling. It is crucial to recognize that interpretations of biblical events differ among theologians and scholars alike, and even within different faith communities. Engaging in respectful dialogue and considering alternative viewpoints enriches our understanding of the complexities inherent in ancient texts.

Lessons for Today:
Finally, navigating the complexities of modern life, the Bears incident reminds us of the consequences that stem from disrespect, both towards authority figures and towards societal values. Such actions can lead to negative repercussions within our interpersonal relationships, academic endeavors, and personal growth.

The Bears incident in the Bible, where God sent bears to kill 42 boys, presents an intriguing narrative open to interpretation. Through careful analysis of historical context, cultural significance, divine judgment, and theological perspectives, we can glean important lessons on reverence, obedience, and the consequences of disrespect. By approaching this topic with intelligence, comprehension, and open-mindedness, we can employ critical thinking to deepen our understanding of biblical narratives and apply timeless lessons to our lives, fostering personal growth and moral development.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

 People all around us in the course of our day may be, for one reason or another, at an intersection in their lives. Our attitude, our outlook, our faith, our words, our courage at their crossroads could actually lift their lives, sending them in a positive direction. Conversely, our negative, discouraging, cynical talk might easily nudge the confused or disheartened down a longer road into doubt or despair. Is it any wonder that the LORD spoke so soberly about the power of our words and our responsibility in speaking them? Jesus said, “I say to you that for

Thursday, June 1, 2023

 Mob rule and the destruction of history go hand in hand. When a group of people takes it upon themselves to destroy monuments, statues, or other historical artifacts, they are not only erasing the past but also setting a dangerous precedent for the future.

History is not always pretty, but it is important to remember where we came from and what we have overcome. Destroying historical artifacts does not erase the past; instead, it creates a void that can never be filled. It is our responsibility to preserve history so that future generations can learn from it and understand how far we have come as a society.

Furthermore, mob rule sets a dangerous precedent for how we handle disagreements in our society. Instead of engaging in civil discourse and finding common ground, some individuals resort to violence and destruction. This behavior undermines the very foundations of democracy and threatens our ability to coexist peacefully.

In conclusion, preserving history is vital for understanding our past and shaping our future. We must reject mob rule and work towards peaceful solutions that honor our shared history while also promoting progress and equality for all. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023


 "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" Genesis 1:27.

"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good..." Genesis 1:31.
Satan is trying to change God's creation by using illusions of the mind and crafty, cunning schemes to deceive people just as he always has since he used the serpent to deceive Eve. God created man and woman and said His creation was good. Sin is an issue of the heart and God did not create sin. What happens inside of us affects what happens to us and outside of us. Decisions we make have both temporal and eternal consequences. The only solution to deal with bad decisions and our sins is to believe in God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of our sins. Jesus does not say we can continue practicing sin or living in sin. He calls us to turn from it and repent of it. Satan is busy at work trying to deceive people, manipulate Scripture, and turn people from the truth just as he has from the beginning. The world is becoming more and more accepting of sin and open with it. Satan's time is running out and we are closer to the return of Christ and judgment day, than we have ever been.
All reactions:

Monday, April 17, 2023

Immaculate Conception

Catholics believe Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35), and that Mary was a pure and holy "ark" fit to carry the Son of God. Just as the ark of the Lord back in Moses' day carried elements of the Old Covenant within, so Mary carried the Author of the New Covenant in her. The Immaculate Conception isn't a virgin birth. It is neither Biblical nor necessary. Catholics believe Mary was conceived in the normal way, but God made her immune from imputed or inherited sin. For as long as she has existed she has been free from sin. This allowed her to be the" second Eve" to give birth to the " second Adam" see  (1 Corinthians 15:45). Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35), Mary was a pure and holy "ark" fit to carry the Son of God. Just as the ark of the Lord in Moses' day carried elements of the Old covenant within, so Mary carried the Author of the New Covenant in her.

Mary needed a savior like everyone else (Luke 1:47).

I got the information from the websites listed below for you to read. Hopefully, they will make you more aware of the false teachings of the Catholic church.
